Today I am linking with-
Wild Bird Wednesday hosted by Stewart M.
Today's Flowers hosted by Denise
Saturday Critters hosted by Eileen
Macro Monday 2 hosted by Gemma and Mystical Magical Teacher
I Heart Macro hosted by Laura
For my wild blue birds, I again present some Steller's Jays- "Which is better, my right side-"
"Or perhaps my back side?"
"My breaking wave impersonation."
And now for a domestic bird, my Blue Maran hen, who lays chocolate eggs- "Cold? not me."
"I know it's here somewhere...."
"Back off!"
"La belle Cocoa"
This week in my continuing blooming houseplant series, another tough plant, and easy to propagate from cuttings- my Christmas Cactus bloomed late, it is the red variety. Better late than never-
Spring draws slowly closer, buds seem to be forming on the Hellebores. I am waiting for spring....
Hannah or cameras are macro
©Weeding on the Wild Side, all rights reserved. I enjoy visiting your blog and commenting but can't do so if google+ is the only option, so will comment here instead.
Wild Bird Wednesday hosted by Stewart M.
Today's Flowers hosted by Denise
Saturday Critters hosted by Eileen
Macro Monday 2 hosted by Gemma and Mystical Magical Teacher
I Heart Macro hosted by Laura
For my wild blue birds, I again present some Steller's Jays- "Which is better, my right side-"
"Or my left side?"
"Or perhaps my back side?"
"My breaking wave impersonation."
And now for a domestic bird, my Blue Maran hen, who lays chocolate eggs- "Cold? not me."
"Can you say 'pulchritude'?"
"I know it's here somewhere...."
"Back off!"
Cocoa's egg is on the left, apparently the "factory" ran out of paint partly down the chute. The egg is on the extra large/jumbo size, and the yolks are gloriously golden orange, especially compared to those store bought eggs, even organic, that don't eat fresh grass daily-

She makes me think about how God promises to hide me under the wings of His protection and love, when I abide in His secret place of worship and praise, and say to Him, "I am Yours."
Spring draws slowly closer, buds seem to be forming on the Hellebores. I am waiting for spring....
Hannah or cameras are macro
©Weeding on the Wild Side, all rights reserved. I enjoy visiting your blog and commenting but can't do so if google+ is the only option, so will comment here instead.