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Monday, June 17, 2013

Macro Monday 2, June 17,2013

Hi, welcome to my first Macro Monday 2 post.   Click the link to see more macro photography.

A hardy Geranium into fancy line patterns, and a great reseeder-

A Hypericum calycinoides explodes-

A pansy intent on guiding in the bees, but managing to look scary, though smelling sweet-

It's a macro world after all.  -Hannah


  1. Pretty flowers. I love the geranium.

    1. Thanks! They are one of my favorite flowers because they spread so well. The camera seems to pick up the patterns better than the eye. My MIL is from Sweden and my husband's cousin there has a wife named Gunilla.:-)

  2. A macro world after all...You're so funny! Your hypericum looks like a big fancy firework!

    1. Ha ha, I must be getting demented from all the outdoor air. The tiny details are fascinating.

  3. How can anyone not fall in love with the tiny faces of violas:) Lynne from Sensible Gardening

  4. Thanks, Lynne. I like them because they are so tough I can plant them outside while it is still winter. And some of them have wonderful scent too.
